Why Mimoglow?

While there are numerous of skincare apps in the market, we try really hard to offer flexibility to best meet our users individual skincare needs.

  • We have our own propriety database of over 50,000 skincare products from USA, EU, Japan, Korea, etc. This includes product pictures, product description, product how-to-use, and product ingredients, all in one place for you.

  • Set your own skincare routine templates so you won’t ever forget that you just exfoliated yesterday.

  • If you did an extra routine during the day, add it as a “one time routine”. Mimoglow is flexible!

  • Add products to your wishlist so next time you are at Sephora or Ulta, you already know what you want.

  • Add diary entries to keep track of your skin’s progress and we just release photo diary!!

  • … and much more to come! Thank you so much for supporting us!

Is there affiliate links?

Mimoglow is free and does not contain ads. We kindly ask you to support us by using our affiliate links in our product page. Mimoglow will receive a small commission if you use the link at no additional cost to you.

Will you have localization for other languages?

Currently, the app is free with no ads, translation is not on our priority list as other fees like servers, database, fees, website hosting are higher priority.

I can’t download Mimoglow in my country?

Mimoglow is only available in USA, Canada, and UK. Products that are added to the database from other countries besides USA, Cananda or UK will be marked private.

I can’t find a product in Mimoglow, What can I do?

If you don’t see a product in our search, add it! However, products you added are only seen by you until it’s verified by the Mimoglow team. Once the image of Mimoglow is replaced by the product image, then it’s available to all users.

It’s been a couple of days and my product still has not been verified.

We usually try our best to verify products within 1 week, usually less than 1 week. If your product has not been verified for a longer than a week, it could just mean we are a little busy!

My product was verified but it’s marked private?

We have product verification to ensure the product database is accurate and clean. Most products are verified within a day, however, there are certain products that are private (only you can see it) and not available for general search. Products include: vitamins, toothpaste, mouthwash, hair removal products, lip stick, makeup, perfume, hair dye, etc. Sometimes, if you do not put a product link and we cannot find the product, we will mark it private.

Products that do not include a link will most likely be marked private as we probably can’t find the product w/o the link.

Why are there some makeup items but my items are marked as private?

Mimoglow is focused on skincare. Makeup items like eye shadow, lip stick, etc have so many different colors and brands that Mimoglow team can’t keep up with supporting makeup items at this time. Items like mascara, eyeliner are usually one color and don’t have multiple variations. Even though, it’s marked private, you can still track it!

Can you add personalized products like Curology, Proven, or DIY products that I make?

Products like Curology and Proven are in the database. Specific ingredients aren’t added to the database as everyone’s ingredients are different. Any DIY or products our team can’t find online will be marked as private and only you can see it.

Can you see my selfies?

Mimoglow does not stores selfies on our database. Which means, your photos are stored locally on your phone. If you delete the Mimoglow app, all your photos will also be deleted. If you install Mimoglow on another device, you cannot access the photos from the other phone. We have no way to restore your photos, and no way to view your photos.

How do I provide feedback for new features?

Please submit any feedback through our website https://www.mimoglow.com/feedback or in app under “Accounts” page. We read every single feedback and requests and use the requests to determine our next feature release.

I am a brand and would like my products to be added.

If you are a brand or representing a brand, do not add the products through our app. Please contact us. We will not verify any product if it looks like a brand/representative is adding products.

I’m currently located outside of the USA and the app seems to be slow.

We are currently hosting our servers and database in central USA. If you are located outside the USA, especially far from central USA, you may experience some delays due to your connection needing to connect all the way across the world. At this time, there are no plans to add additional servers as the costs are too high. At this time, the app is only available in US, UK, and Canada.

I want to delete my account.

Mimoglow respects your privacy rights and adheres to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). You may delete your account in two different ways:

  1. Preferred: Go to account page, scroll to bottom and select Delete account permanently and follow the instructions. This is only available on versions 0.8.0+

  2. Request using this form may take up to 72 hours to process. If you are using Apple login and masked your email, you must also include the mask email, otherwise we can’t find it.

Once we delete your account, it will no longer be available nor can we retrieve your data after deletion. You may be able to recreate a new account using the email, although all your data previously will be non retrievable.

I have more questions

Feel free to email us at support@mimoglow.com

Last updated: November 25, 2023